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How To Add Bank Account In WhatsApp? [Step-By-Step Guide]

Add Bank Account In WhatsApp

Keeping aside personal benefits, we can use WhatsApp for professional purposes too. For instance, payments. Now, how to add bank account in WhatsApp to carry out these transactions?

We all know the importance of staying connected with other people. A social connection is healthy and important to a certain level. Apps like Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp make this possible and make tasks such as payments easier.

Steps to Add Bank Account In WhatsApp

Since everyone uses either an Android phone or an iPhone, we will look at how to link your bank account.

On Android

  • Tap on the Three Dots, Then tap on Payments.
Tap On Payments - Android WhatsApp
  • Now tap on Add Payment Method.
Tap On Add Payment Method - Android WhatsApp
  • From the list of banks displayed, choose one.
Choose Your Affiliated Bank - Android WhatsApp
  • Then tap on Verify via SMS.
Tap On Verify Via SMS - Android WhatsApp
  • Click on the bank account that you wish to use for payments and then, tap Done.

On iPhone

  • Tap on Settings, Then tap on Payments.
Tap On Payments - iPhone WhatsApp
  • Now tap on Add New Payment Method.
Tap On Add New Payment Method - iPhone WhatsApp
  • From the list of banks displayed, choose your affiliated bank.
Choose Your Affiliated Bank - iPhone WhatsApp
  • You will have to tap on Verify via SMS.
Tap on Verify Via SMS - iPhone WhatsApp
  • Click on the bank account that you wish to use for payments and then, tap Done.


Since we have looked at how to add a bank account in WhatsApp, here are a couple of things you should know. You would do well to remember that both the types here are more likely to require verification of your debit card number and the date of expiration. You also may not find the bank affiliated with you, on the list of banks. This is due to this feature is not supported by your bank.

If you think we missed something out, feel free to let us know in the comment section below. Alternatively, you can connect with us through our social media handles. On that note, stay tuned to Fixing Port, your one-stop destination for all the latest news and tech updates.

How do I send money in WhatsApp on iOS?

To send money on iOS, open WhatsApp, now open the chat of that person to whom you want to send money, then tap on the Attachment icon and then, tap on Payment to send money.

What Android version is needed for WhatsApp?

WhatsApp recommends phones running on Android OS 4.0. 3 and newer for Android users.

What is the best application for dual WhatsApp?

Dual Space is the best application for dual WhatsApp.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.


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