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The main purpose of “Fixing Port” is to deliver the well-researched content with high quality. We are experts in the tech niche. We gather all the information from trusted and authorized resources so that you can get all the important information at one place. As per the rule, we can change our policies without giving any prior notice to our subscribers.

All of the content written on this website is well-researched and is gathered from various trusted sources. We always value your privacy, so if in any case, we ask for your email, don’t worry your details won’t be shared with anyone or with any third party application or website. We ask your email address for the newsletter, and for the comment section.


At “Fixing Port”, We believe in accuracy. So, we always double-check our content before posting it on our website. If you got any question or any doubt while reading our article, then you can directly ask us in the comment section.


We are writing everything accurately on our website by doing proper research and it takes too much time and hard work. So, we have all the copyrights of the content that we are posting on our website. No one is allowed to copy the content from our website without our prior permission.

If we caught someone else copying our content then we have the right to take actions against him. However, If you want to copy some of the content from our website then you can contact us directly via our contact us page or via this email id – [email protected]

Validity of the content

Content published on this website is evergreen, you don’t have to worry about the published date. As this website will be purely based on fixing errors, so you can follow the guides to fix the errors that you are facing.


By accessing the website, you agree to our terms and conditions.

Last updated

This disclaimer is updated on 03/09/2019.

If we make any changes to our disclaimer, then all these changes will be posted here.