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How Does Spotify Algorithm Work? [Detailed Information]

How Does Spotify Algorithm Work

Spotify is one of the world’s top music streaming service providers. As of March 2021, it had over 356 million monthly active users, as well as 158 million paying members. However, one of the reasons for Spotify’s huge success is that it manages to find the perfect music, playlist, or even ‘daily mix’ for you. There are many questions that arise, how does Spotify pay artists, how Spotify works for artists, how does Spotify algorithm work, and provide you exact recommendations?

In this article, we will clear all your thoughts on how the algorithm works on Spotify. Let’s find the answer to it.

Spotify’s algorithm is always looking for better ways to figure out what kind of music one listens to, from the songs that never get old to the genres that one can’t get enough of. Not only it track a person’s music preferences but also examines why they listen to a certain song or prefer one genre over another.

Now, the answer to how does Spotify algorithm works is that it relies on its algorithm in addition to free human-made playlists, whilst other music streaming services rely on paid playlists generated by individuals and other communities.

How Does Spotify Algorithm Work?

Among the other music streaming apps, Spotify’s algorithm appears to be performing admirably for the streaming behemoth.

Moreover, the home screen is the first thing one notices on Spotify; it’s where the recommendations start, and it is controlled by an AI system called ‘Bandits for Recommendations’, or simply ‘BaRT’. BaRT is the true reason why no one bothers to look for a suitable playlist on Spotify.

Of course, after a certain amount of time on Spotify, it begins to recommend music based on previous listening activity. But that’s not all; BaRT also plays new music, so listeners enjoy listening to new tracks almost of their same taste.

30-Second Rule

The 30-second rule can be considered as one of the processes of how does Spotify algorithm work. Spotify’s algorithm looks at how long someone spends listening to a song. And if it’s more than 30 seconds, it’s a red flag for the platform’s suggestions.

The more time one spends listening to a song or listening to a playlist, the better their recommendations will get. So, if you don’t like the first 28 seconds of a song, it’s better to skip it before the 29-second mark so you don’t have to listen it again!

How Does Spotify Algorithm Work For Artists?

Spotify uses collaborative filtering; which involves recommending music based on what other people enjoy and data gathered from millions of music blogs. However, it is not beneficial in the case of new artists.

How do you suppose a song that has just been released by a new artist, receives a recommendation?

Spotify’s answer to this problem is to analyze the audio and teach the audio analysis algorithm to recognize different desirable musical elements. Moreover, various characteristics of songs, such as distorted guitars were recognized by Spotify experiments; while others recognized more abstract concepts such as genres.

On a positive note, Spotify is also taking dramatic steps to improve the ‘Behind the Music’ function; with the goal of including real-time lyrics and making it more like karaoke. It also aims to include a tool that can detect cover versions of songs. However, this will be difficult to achieve, especially in a genre like jazz.

How Spotify’s Unique Recommendation Works

Now, we are going to discuss some of the reasons how does Spotify algorithm work; and how this application manages to provide these recommendations.

Automatic Playlist Continuation Recommendations

Spotify has been found to play a song automatically after your current playlist has ended, and this is due to AI. The feature analyses your playlists and attempts to forecast what music will be played next after your current song ends.

With the release of a “Million Playlist Dataset” of user-generated Spotify playlists; the platform has taken this function to the next level. This massive data set was made to better understand how Spotify users behave. Additionally, the auto continuation of the playlist creates a problem when the user doesn’t get an appropriate song after the existing playlist runs out of music. So, the company asked AI researchers from all around the world to present their ideas at The RecSys Challenge 2018 to solve this problem.

Location-Based Recommendations

Spotify also uses the information provided by users about their age and gender, as well as their locations; to see if a user’s musical tastes change after moving to a different state. In addition, the age of the listener has an impact on the type of music they listen to.

Spotify made a move by researching the kind of music people listen to, in specific areas and then comparing that data to a group of people who have recently migrated to a different place. With various overall tendencies; the Spotify team came to the conclusion that geography does have a role when it comes to shifting to a different area in a specific way over time.

People are likely to share their ‘musical’ data with the streaming platform in order to make features like Discover Weekly more personalized.


Here, we are going to end this ‘how does Spotify algorithm work’ article. One of the reasons for Spotify’s massive success despite competition with Youtube Music, Amazon Prime Music, Apple Music, and other streaming companies, is its algorithm.

Please pin down your point of view in the comment section below as well as share the article.

Who is the #1 artist on Spotify?

Ed Sheeran is the number artist on Spotify.

How does Spotify know you so well?

It is all because Spotify uses three methods that are Collaborative Filtering, Natural Language Processing, and Audio Models that help Spotify to deliver the almost exact recommendations.

Can you skip songs on Spotify?

Yes, you can skip songs on Spotify.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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