How To Join Slack Channel? [Desktop/Mobile]

Join Slack Channel

In the current world of smart work and technology, one has to join Slack channel to smoothen their work. A Slack channel is like several people sitting around a conference table discussing the topic of their common interest.

What is the need to join?

Many organizations use the Slack channel to depict the team and tasks to ensure that all the team members work in sync. It is also beneficial to ensure that all the team project members are on the same page, even if they work from different locations.

Therefore to be a part of this link, one must join made by the team leader. By doing this, you can easily be a part of the discussion sitting in a room from your organization’s meeting room.

One can join from their mobile phone, PC, laptop, or MacBook.

Ways To Join Slack Channel

In general, there are two types of Slack channels: one is private, and the other is public. Check for the lock icon in front of their names to recognize the difference.

How to join a private Slack channel?

To join a private Slack channel, you need to be invited to the channel by someone. They need to mention you by using a laptop or a phone. To mention, the inviter has to mention your name on the channel using @ in front of your name. After the inviter mentions your name with @ followed by your name, they will get the option to add you to the private channel they have made.

How to join a public Slack channel?

To join a public channel, inviting someone to mention their name is the same as that for a private Slack channel. Another way to join a public Slack channel is followed.

Through a desktop application or website 

  • Go to the Slack application or the official website on your desktop to log in.
  • Open the sidebar you can see on the left side of the desktop. Now, click on the word Channels and then Browse all channels.
Click On Channels
  • After clicking, you will see all the Slack channels related to your workspace.
Search The Channel
  • Look for the specific channel name you need to join. Once you find the channel of interest, go for the preview. When you are sure this is the same channel you need to join, click on the Join Channel option popping at the bottom of the screen.
Click On Join Channel

On mobile

  • Open the Slack app downloaded on your Android or iPhone.
  • Swiping right, open the left side slide on your phone. Scroll down and look for the Channel option on the screen. After clicking on that option, click on the Add channel option.
Click On Add Channel
  • Now, click on the Browse channels to continue.
Click On Browse Channels Option
  • Search the channel you want to join and then scroll down and click on the Join channel option.
Click On The Join Channel Option


Slide channels have been proven to be the best possible way to connect with the team while working on a project. Above, we have mentioned the easiest way to join Slack channel using desktop and mobile. Leverage the benefits of the Slack channel and make teamwork less cumbersome.