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How To Record Screen In Ubuntu With Audio? [Guide]

Record Screen In Ubuntu With Audio

Are you trying to record screen in Ubuntu with audio or your app window along with the Audio? If yes then you are at the right place. In this article, we have mentioned the methods that you can follow to record a screen in Ubuntu with Audio.

Method To Record Screen In Ubuntu With Audio

Ubuntu has a built-in UI for screen recording. By hitting the Ctrl + Shift + Alt + R key combination on your keyboard, you can open Ubuntu and record the screen or the selected area however, the audio is not recorded.

Method 1: Use Kooha

Kooha is another one of the best screen recorders that work in the Wayland session other than OBS studio. Through this app, you can record full size screen as well as a selected area with a sound that can be your computer’s or microphone’s.


Either with or without the mouse cursor, activate audio after selecting the recording mode, and then simply tap on the record button. A new dialogue window will pop up that will allow you to choose between the app window and screen display. Now you can start recording by tapping on the share option.

Select From The List

Through the icon menu of three lines, the video is recorded by it in MKV, WebM, GIF, and MP4 file formats.

Note: By running the command terminal given below, you can activate the “click minimize function”. Through this, you can minimize the counting window of the Kooha app while recording screen by tapping on the app icon present on the dock.

gsettings set click-action 'minimize'

Method 2: Switching to Xorg session

A few other tools are present in the repository of the system through which you can record screen in Ubuntu with Audio. But unfortunately in Wayland’s default system, most of them do not function. You can switch back to your classic Xorg session to get your apps to work.

Log out of the current session after saving your work.
Tap on your username in the login screen and then you need to choose Ubuntu on Xorg from the gear button menu present on the right bottom of your screen.

In the last step, you have to type in your password and log in. Now, you can start your application recording.
Here we’ve mentioned three apps that can work in Xorg sessions to record screen in Ubuntu with audio support.

  • Kazam
  • SimpleScreenRecorder (ssr)
  • vokoscreen-ng

All of the apps given above can be installed in Ubuntu software and they can easily help you to record screen in Ubuntu with Audio. If you do not like the Ubuntu software, Ctrl + Alt + T can instead be pressed by you in order to open a terminal, and then you can run any one of the commands given below for installing the package.

sudo apt install kazam
sudo apt install simplescreenrecorder
sudo apt install vokoscreen-ng

How to Install Kooha in Ubuntu & other linux?

The Linux packages are provided through the flatpak packages by the software for now. A few hundred MB of extra disc space is taken by the flatpak package for runtime libraries if you’re installing it for the first time.

  • Press Ctrl + Alt + T on your keyboard simultaneously in order to open the terminal. Now, for installing the flatpak daemon, run the command given below.
sudo apt install flatpak
Install The Flatpak Daemon
  • Now, through the command given below, install Kooha as Flatpak.
flatpak install
Install Kooha As Flatpak

After the app is installed on your device, tap on “Activities” present in the top left corner and then, you can search for and also open the app.

Search For The App

How to remove Kooha?

By running the command given below, you can remove the package in a terminal window (Ctrl + Alt + T).

flatpak uninstall --deletedata io.github.seadve.Kooha

By running the command given below you can clean up the runtime libraries.

flatpak uninstall --unused

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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