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TikTok Vs Byte App: Everything You Need To Know

TikTok Vs Byte App

Hello, our faithful reader. We are back today with yet another informative piece. This time we’ll discuss in detail on Tiktok vs Byte, the two giant short video platforms, and see how the two apps are different from each other, which one is better, or if such a question is even valid. And…everything in between.

Got you interested? Then, let’s go.

What is Byte?

Byte’s journey started in 2013 with the launch of another short video platform known as “Vine“. Vine was very successful with many teens and youngsters becoming overnight sensations.

Which all ended very abruptly in 2017 when the developers decided it was time to let the platform go. Thousands, if not millions were disappointed.

So, a spiritual successor aptly named “V2” was soon entered into the beta phase. Then, for some reason, it couldn’t go through. And when it did eventually, it was renamed as “Byte”. The six-second loop app had come some way.

Vine in the form of Byte was officially back. Success, right? Wrong.

Enters, TikTok

That’s the nature of trends. They change over time. It took until January of 2020 for Byte to launch. And in this huge vacuum, a new app took advantage of Vine’s demise and on its ashes, it built its home. Tiktok left behind its days and became the staple for short video sharing platform.

TikTok Vs Byte

This is where the TikTok vs Byte battle comes in. As suddenly from no such platform being available to have two of them, people suddenly have a choice. And with choices there comes comparisons.

So, let’s dive right into the debate of TikTok vs Byte and do a breakdown for both of them.

1. Time length of videos

When it comes to Tiktok, it certainly has more options with regards to the length of the videos. 15-60 seconds is a viable range for TikTok videos.

Byte, however, retains the Vine format. 6 seconds is all you’re getting to make an impression here.

So, figuring out the content you want to make is the first step in this “TikTok vs Byte” debate.

2. User base

The user base of TikTok is more. So, that means more competition. Therefore, if you’re already a big deal or as they say “an influencer” in the social media world, then, venturing into TikTok might be a good idea as then, you’ll be able to get a good following immediately.

However, if you are new and you’re looking for less competition, then since Byte is a relatively new platform, that might be more up to your speed.

3. Availability

A seasoned app like TikTok is available on Android, iOS and the Amazon App store. Meanwhile, Byte is only available on Android and iOS as of now.

4. Effects

It’s clear that in the current version, TikTok has more variety in terms of effects to be used than Byte. This probably boils down to the fact that Byte is relatively newer and so, one can expect some new effects being included in the future updates to the app.

While we have mentioned the major differences between both the apps, both are great platforms and choosing one or using both in a certain capacity depends entirely upon your usage and your strategy to go about building your profile.

Both apps are free to use as well. So, that’s a plus as well which you can use to get a feel of both the apps before committing to either one or both.


We began this article with the desire to distinguish between the two video sharing platforms in trend, namely: TikTok and Byte. And in this TikTok vs Byte debate, we have highlighted a few differences that make the apps unique as well as what criteria should be looked at, if you’re thinking about making a choice between the two.

Hopefully, you gained a lot from this informative piece.

Stay tuned for more informative articles like this one in the near future and we’ll see you, next time.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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