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“Timechi” – Say No To Distractions [Your Smart Productivity Tool]


Nowadays everyone is checking for entertainment and productive working hours are getting collapsed. Though we can’t blame anyone because the world is grooming that way for no specific reason. But when it comes to work, working effectively is said to be far more important than any other. One should understand the value of time as they got a compulsion that everything should be done on time.

For instance, a student knows the value of time while sitting in the exam. When we think of those days we can easily figure out that the distractions will be comparatively very less. But now, there are quite lots and lots of distractions which stops us from a productive worker. To find a way out of the distractions here comes Timechi. Wow, isn’t it nice to hear something which we search for?

Concept of Timechi

Let’s now try to understand the concept of how this works. Timechi is a product which is developed by an Australian startup company named their company name for its product. As the name goes by we can understand this tool would really work according to some great technique. To agree with that statement, this work in the Pomodoro technique. One of the best time management techniques to improve one’s productivity.

One more point is that this will monitor physical activities. Yes, you can wonder how can that be possible but yes, it does. Let me tell you how.

Timechi - Say No To Distractions

This device comes in a round-shaped that can be connected to your mobile, laptop, or any other device with aid of Wi-Fi connection. Once it is connected by setting a timer it will take control by switching on the phone to the “Do Not Disturb” mode. By doing this one can work peacefully. And also it blocks some of the websites or apps which distract from work.

Any person will get distracted the moment they hear a notification tone on their smartphone. To avoid that kind of activities this tool blocks that too. Even after that one gets distracted, some motivational quotes will hit the screen to grab the focus.

Timechi – Launch Date And Price

As go by the Start-up company words, this works as a “Deep Work companion tool”. Initially, this is planned for an open office environment then later due to some unavoidable situation like the Covid-19 pandemic situation the tool is launched now.

In this kind of situation, the boss will never mind and pile you with tons of to-do tasks. The worker is left with no choice rather than to complete the allocated tasks. To ensure that the given task is completed on time without any further delay, Timechi can be used. To know about their productivity, they can also utilize the productivity analytics report.

Let us now get to know about the price and availability of the device. It cost around $68 (Rs. 5083) whereas the retail price is higher than that $130 (Rs. 9717). The team got a prototype of the product and will soon available in the market by January 2021.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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  1. The 1st rule of parallel programming is to share as little data as possible In this case, a separate random number generator should be used for each thread

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