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YouTube Not Showing 720p Option: Here’s What You Need To Know

YouTube Not Showing 720p Option Image

If you are someone who is continuously browsing YouTube, you must have noticed YouTube not showing 720p option. Recently, YouTube has decided to change how it defines HD. Now, Mobile and Desktop users of YouTube will not be able to browse videos at 720p. With some recent development, 1080p is the new HD in the YouTube market.

In an epoch where 4K Videos have become the new normal and definition of HD, 720p has really lost its importance. Because of this change, many of the 720p videos on YouTube today actually look worse than a DVD print. With the widespread and increase in consumption of high-quality internet, 1080p has become the benchmark for HD and extends beyond that. There was a time when even 640×480 was considered as High Definition but then, the world moved on to 720p and redefined HD.

Why YouTube Not Showing 720p Option?

YouTube not showing 720p option is been seen both in Android as well as iOS devices and is not restricted to a particular band of users. There also seems to be another reason for standardizing the picture quality on YouTube and many other video streaming platforms. The pandemic had forced people to sit at home and work from home. Similarly, many people resorted to binge-watching to pass their time. This caused a strain in mobile networks and hence such a step had been taken.

As of now, this is going to be the living reality for YouTube as 720p has been bid farewell and maybe, for good. There are chances for 720p to make its return after the situation normalizes; but again, nothing is sure as of now. With such decisions being made, people are left wondering what is coming their way next, no one knows!

On that note stay tuned on Fixing Port, your one-stop destination for all tech-related updates.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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