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TikTok Responds To Ban, Says Will Comply With India Rules

TikTok Responds To Ban

TikTok comes under the top 10 Apps on Google play store. According to the last month’s data, there are nearly about 119 million TikTok users in India. As a notice issued by the government, you might be aware of the recent breaking news that 59 Chinese apps have been banned strictly in India.

Among them, TikTok responds to ban in India too. The app has not been removed from the phones, but it’s not available any more on Google play store. People who are still active will be restricted via ISP channels. According to the order, all the apps must be removed from Android as well as iOS.

TikTok responds to ban

This is not the first time that TikTok responds to ban in India. TikTok was also banned a few days ago. But it was back in play store within no time. So, the question arises that “Will it back again or is it the end?”. It is also said that this step has been taken to protect the sovereignty as well as the privacy of the people using this app because it shares the user’s data with China.

The head of the TikTok Nikhil Gandhi also stated that, “TikTok continues to comply with all data privacy and security requirements under Indian law and has not shared any information of our users in India with any foreign government, including the Chinese government.

Further, if we are requested in the future we would not do so. We place the highest importance on user privacy and integrity”. Till any further notice, there is no other way to use these apps unless you use a VPN to bypass the ban. Still, the apps have not been declared illegal, but a great step to protect privacy and security.

If you have any queries in your mind, then you can contact us via our comment section or via our Facebook page. Thanks for the read.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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