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New To Video Emails? This Should Help You [Detailed Information]

Video Emails

Businesses of all types across the world have started using video marketing. Video content, as you may know, gets a lot of traction, which means the more content you put out, the better your chances of furthering your brand. If you are a budding brand and want to cement your position as a credible brand and build an audience, you may want to get your hands on Vidyard or an alternative by Hippo Video.

Why should you use video emails?

With the advent of content marketing, it is no surprise that email marketing has become an increasingly vital cog of the ideal marketing strategy for brands. Considering the decline in our collective reduction span, it is vital to send your prospects emails that grab their attention.

You now know that video content for marketing is a thing. But, why use video emails? As you know, email marketing plays a crucial role in boosting leads, conversions, and customer retention. You can create personalized content for each prospect, based on their goals and priorities.

New To Video Emails

Video emails make marketing even more personalized since videos are more personal. Sure, you could get results with infographics and well-written copy. However, most, if not all forms of content marketing pale in comparison to video email marketing. Here are a few reasons to use video emails:

Video emails work well for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

It is imperative to get your SEO strategy right to increase traffic to your page and expand your brand. You need to rank high on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP). As mentioned, videos gain traction, and Google prefers content that gains traction, which is why you should add a video to your email.

Marketing becomes very easy

Since videos are viral, you are likely to make an impact online if your content is good. Put out killer videos that inspire emotion, and you can expect your videos to go viral in due time. This generally happens if the videos are incredibly useful, evoke emotions, or ideally, both.

It is easy to get to prospects

If you want to reach your prospects, your best bet is using a video email. Using a video email boosts your chances of getting your prospect to check your email as opposed to using a regular email. Creating engaging content is critical, which is where video can help you.

Save tons of time

You can save a lot of time if you send a video email using a video email tool by Hippo Video, instead of having to write a crisp, content, email copy. Send a video email, save time, and use that time to take care of your other brand operations.

How do you optimize video email marketing?

At this point, you’ve probably recognized the value of video emails in marketing. Here are a few things you can do to improve your video email marketing:

Include a Call-to-Action (CTA)

Adding a CTA is essential if you want to make the best of your marketing strategy because ultimately, you need your customers to act. Sometimes, your viewer or prospect may need a push or a little encouragement to take that next step. There are a variety of CTAs you can use, depending on what you want your prospect to do. These include subscribing to your channel, sharing your content, visiting your website, etc. Be sure to include your CTAs at the end of the video.

Be sure to create excellent content

Creating excellent content encompasses a wide range of things, including your storyline or plot, equipment, arrangement, production, and so on. You need to get your hands on some high-quality equipment to create your videos. You will also need to shoot them in natural lighting, for the most part. Ultimately, the presentation is just as important as the content itself.

Video testimonials are effective

Want to convert more leads? Show them that your brand is reliable. In other words, give them proof that others have benefited from your brand, and how your current prospects can as well. Video testimonials are great because they are a form of social proof. Your prospects are likely to become customers if others have as well. Video testimonials help show your prospects that your product works and is legitimate.

You can use videos as incentives (Bonus content)

In an attempt to further your brand, you’ve (hopefully) created tons of content, which means you may have come up with content that is not yet ready for YouTube or other platforms. If that’s the case, there’s no need to throw it out. If your content is good, consider using it as an incentive to get people to respond to your CTA. As mentioned, you can include a variety of CTAs in your videos, depending on your goals.

You can use your extra footage as bonus content, that people can view if they subscribe to your channel, mailing list, and so on. Additionally, you may add videos to your newsletters to let your prospects know what your brand is up to and increase their chances of opening your email.


There you have it – a concise introduction and guide to video email marketing for newbies. If you are new to video emails and how to use them, be sure to start now. Video emails, as you know now, are immensely important to boosting your brand awareness.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.


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