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How To Delete Reddit Account Permanently? [Step-By-Step Guide]

How To Delete Reddit Account Permanently

Hello, our faithful readers! Welcome back. Are you a fellow Redditor? And are you tired of Reddit as well and thus, want to get rid of it, for well, literally any number of reasons! If yes, then today’s article on “how to delete Reddit Account permanently” is for you!

In a world of increasing safety concerns on social media platforms – data compromise or mental health-related issues – it may be wise to get rid of certain social media handles, which you don’t use in your daily routine, or worse, don’t trust.

For now, let us focus on one specific app today and how to delete your date from there, which is, Reddit.

Steps to delete Reddit account permanently

It may be a bit of a rough time for a new user to find out as to where is the delete option (if it exists at all) but once you have followed the laid out steps by us, it will be over with pretty quickly in a smooth manner.

So, in order to delete Reddit account permanently, please follow the mentioned steps below and you will surely be able to achieve your goal in no time!

  • First of all, sign in to your account on Reddit.
  • Proceed to tap on your user icon/photo.
  • Here, select “User Settings” from the given list of options.
  • Find the option “De-activate account” now, and select it.

This will lead them to ask you to acknowledge three things:

(a) Sign-in information (username and password) to authenticate that it is really you, who is taking this step.

(b) Give them a specific reason for the course taken. However, this is optional for all the users of course.

(c) Tick mark the declaration, “I understand that deactivated accounts are not recoverable”.

  • Tap “De-activate” below, if you are still determined to do so.
  • The platform will ask you for one final acknowledgment by way of asking “Are you sure?
  • Tap “De-activate” one final time, and you are done! You have successfully managed to delete Reddit account permanently. In your first try too!


Please take note of the following points, lest, the purpose of account deletion may be lost in some cases:-

  • This account deletion is permanent, and not temporary. So, decide in advance if this is what you really want.
  • Be sure to delete all your actions/comments on the site before deleting your account as these will not go away even after account deletion. However, your username will not be shown.
  • That username is also retired once it is used; with no one anywhere in the world eligible to ever use it again.

Keeping these points in mind may help you to delete your data more comprehensively and thus, solve the issue more deeply.


In the end, we would like to conclude by saying that while Reddit is a fun platform for its millions of users, your tastes may change over time, or maybe it is not just working out for you. So, it may become necessary to do away with the account entirely.

For this, detailed steps have been mentioned about how to delete Reddit account permanently. Do take the precaution of the notes mentioned as if your goal is to delete the comments you wrote, deletion won’t help you one bit.

We have tried to simplify the process as much as we can. Still, if there are any lingering doubts, don’t hesitate at all to mention them in the comments. We will try to answer them ASAP.

Until our next article, this is goodbye from us.

How do I delete my Reddit account on the application?

To delete a Reddit account on the application, open Reddit application, tap on the Profile Icon, then go to Settings, now scroll down and tap on De-activate Account.

How do you delete Reddit chats?

To delete Reddit chats, open the Chat window, then hover on the message you want to delete, after that click on Trash icon.

What happens when you deactivate an account?

When you deactivate an account, people can’t search for you and can’t see your timeline.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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