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People Are Now Selling Fortnite-Installed iPhones For $10,000

Fortnite-Installed iPhones

If you are someone who actively follows every Apple-related news and updates; then you might be aware of the recent news surrounding the Apple Trust Fiasco. Fortnite developers have sued Apple de to what it did with Fortnite violating its privacy policy.

After the two tech giants expelled Fortnite from their App Stores and Play Stores respectively, Epic Games have apparently filed a lawsuit against Apple. Due to this, people who already had Fortnite-installed iPhones, have been selling them at massive prices due to Fortnite being on its hook.

Fortnite-Installed iPhones

This has been spotted and noted by iMore which has shared that bidders who have Fortnite-installed iPhones are selling their iPhones at a price as much as $10,000, which is almost Rs. 7,48,000 and this is not even the slightest peck of exaggeration we are bringing into you, but factual data brought about by trusted sources.

So, basically, after Apple dismissed Fortnite from its App Store; there have been events where people have been asking for obnoxious prices for selling their Fortnite installed iPhones and the best part is, people are actually buying it. Many Customer to customer-based platforms has seen such bids from people who wish to sell their Fortnite installed iPhones at price worth a huge amount.

Documenting some of the prices that have been quoted by price bidders for their Fortnite-installed iPhones; there is a 64 GB iPhone 11 which has been quoting $1300 and its market price is just 699$. Furthermore, there is another bid that quotes $5000 for its 256 GB iPhone 8; and last but not the least, there is a quote for $10,000 dollars as well.

If you are smart enough, you won’t really buy any of these devices and this is because, as the App has been discontinued by Apple. Fortnite will not be able to receive any future updates and also; after a certain point will become obsolete due to Apple’s regular and advanced software updates. So, just a short note to these bidders, good luck with your vision of getting a buyer.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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