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How Cyberpunk 2077 Sold A Promise And Rigged The System

How Cyberpunk 2077 Sold A Promise

Before you can understand how Cyberpunk 2077 sold a promise, you need to understand little background about the game and the company.

Cyberpunk 2077 is nothing if not a classic example of an over-marketed and overhyped product. Let’s just say that there is one thing that sets the video game market apart from the other industries. Whether it’s a product or service in the B2B or B2C sectors, we will be able to indulge ourselves with their previous experiences or some tangible product.

But in the video game industry, companies like CD Projekt Red solely banking on their reputation. Then they overhype the product such that it seems like it’s the game of the century; similar to movie clips we only see selected scenes that prompt us to believe that it’s an amazing product.

Being a gamer myself, I can only imagine the angst many people would have felt after shelling out 60 bucks on a less-than-ideal game that was supposed to be a record-breaking wonder.

How Cyberpunk 2077 Sold A Promise?

As Cyberpunk 2077 was from the creators of the Witcher series; the game was expected to be another hit developed by CD Projekt Red. Being a futuristic action role-playing game that has been under development for the past eight years, fans had many expectations for it when they had finally unveiled it.

On paper, Cyberpunk 2077 looks quite impressive and comparable even to the GTA series by Rockstar games. Yet Cyberpunk 2077 launches its settings in Night city; where you can run your own action-adventure story in a gigantic megalopolis that features everything a nerdy gamer could want; including the obsessive power glamour and body modification.

The game is an outlawed mercenary; that is obsessed with tracking down a unique implant that is said to be the key to immortality. Being the character himself, you will be free to change his skillset, cyberware, and classic playing strategy. This would, in turn, allow you to build a storyline that portrays the world based upon your decisions.

All of this sounds quite amazing when put like that, right? Almost like your video game fantasies have all of a sudden become your reality. Well, this is precisely how Cyberpunk 2077 sold a promise.


As we can see, the creators of Cyberpunk 2077 had not rigged the system they had just brilliantly exposed the system. By allowing fans to sizzle in boiling oil for the past 8 years; the company had effectively run an unstoppable marketing campaign; which had allowed them to recover the full cost of all the cost which had been incurred in the time of development and promotion a whole week before the official launch. Through over 8 million pre-orders, they had been able to recoup their initial investments of over 100 million dollars.

Filled with bugs and non-playable characters aimlessly wandering the streets; Cyberpunk 2077 had been nothing more than a promise and an ideal reality. It’s no longer a game of the future but one among the many overhyped and underwhelming games out there.

My intention is not to trash the game; as there are many players out there who find it decent and are appropriate with the quality it provides. But nonetheless, the fact remains firmly stuck into the ground.

Seeing all this it’s not hard to understand how Cyberpunk sold a promise or rather a magic fairy godmother that grants all your wishes. In reality; they had once again shown us how the trust we place in these companies often goes in vain as they seem to take advantage of it.

Is it worth pre ordering Cyberpunk 2077?

You will get some nice bonuses, if you pre order Cyberpunk 2077.

Is Cyberpunk 2077 on PS5?

Cyberpunk 2077 is available for PS4, PS5, and Xbox Series.

Will Cyberpunk 2077 run at 60 FPS on PS5?

Yes, you can play Cyberpunk 2077 at 60 FPS on PS5.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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