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YouTube Is Testing New SoundCloud-Like Timed Comments

Timed Comments

YouTube always keeps on adding some new and exciting features. Recently they have added a video resolution option for their mobile version. Now, YouTube is working on adding a timed comments feature. Let us find out what this feature can do and how will it be helpful for us.

Timed Comments Feature

In the latest update, YouTube has announced that they are working on a new feature that will allow the users to watch the comments; that is timed exactly while you are watching the video. It is not that clear how will this feature operate. But in simple words, if you are watching a YouTube video and at the same time anyone comments on it then you will be able to read that comment. You will also be able to read the top comments on that video.

There is no further information about this feature from YouTube but we can surely expect them to launch this feature very soon. Well, not many people have understood it clearly but for now; we only know that this feature will function more like a filter. The person who has commented latest according to the timeline will be at the top and if you select the top comments filter you will be able to read the most liked and viewed comments.

Right now, YouTube is carrying out this experiment on few users; and it is restricted to only a few videos. So, once they are done with this experiment they will take the feedback of users and will try to implement the changes. If you are part of this experiment then you can see the ‘timed beta’ option. And, if you click on that you will see two more options as the ‘latest comments’ and ‘top comments’.

Currently, the timed comments feature is under the experimenting zone. So, if you have the access to this feature then please check it out. This feature is available for both Android and iOS. Do not forget to give feedback to this feature on YouTube; because if there is a positive response then this feature will be made available to every user.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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