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Why Truecaller Shows Wrong Name? [How To Fix]

Why Truecaller Shows Wrong Name

Here’s the guide to fix Truecaller shows wrong name problem

It’s a Sunday afternoon and you are chilling when you see your phone ringing. It’s an unknown number. Your Truecaller ID shows you XYZ name but when you pick the call up, you find its your friend who just got a new number. So, the question here is, why did Truecaller show the wrong name? What was the reason? Was this a technical issue or something else? Well, if these are the questions you too are wondering about, we will answer them and also, solve them by giving you the perfect solution you need to fix this issue.

In this era of prank calls and anonymous activities, Truecaller is one App that calms your nerves and saves you from that one moment of mini-heart attack when you see an unknown number flashing on your screen. Truecaller gives a sense of certainty in terms of the identity of the person who is calling you and a bit more of information about the caller and his identity. But what happens when Truecaller shows wrong names? The mere purpose of the App is not met and this can actually cause a sense of uncertainty and even to a certain extent, miscommunication.

There have been instances where Truecaller has terribly gone wrong while displaying details. Recently, a reader had stated to trusted sources that he is a Senior Criminal Lawyer by profession, but Truecaller shows his name as Senior Criminal. As embarrassing it can be for a professional being, it is something that we needed to look into to save other such users from future events like these.

Reason Why Truecaller Shows Wrong Name

For starters, it is important to you as a user to understand that Truecaller gathers all its information from the contact source of the device it has been installed in. So, in short, we can say that Truecaller crowd-sources information. Furthermore, there are chances that your number belonged to someone else previously and Truecaller is carrying their information. So, this brings us down to two main reasons why Truecaller shows wrong name:

  • Many people have saved your name wrongly in their devices hence crowd-sourcing.
  • You have a new number due to which, Truecaller carries the information of the old owner of the number.

How To Change Wrong Name In Truecaller?

Now that we have understood the possible reasons causing this problem, you might be wondering if there is anything, we can do to solve this issue. If this is your cue, we are happy to let you know that we do have a few methods that can fix this issue. So, without any further due, let’s dive right into the fixes.

Method 1: Install The App On Your device

As we have seen in multiple cases, the best way to fix this issue is to download the App on your device and fix the issue manually. Here’s how to do it:

Download Truecaller for iOS
Download Truecaller for Android

  • The first step is to Download Truecaller from your respective stores and Install the same in your device.
  • Now, verify your phone number by following the procedures as instructed.
  • After this, launch the App and now, Open App Menu.
  • Here click on the three horizontal lines to Edit Profile (placed on the left-hand side corner of your screen).
Truecaller Three Horizontal Lines
  • Next to your name, Click on Edit – which looks like a pencil.
Truecaller Pencil Icon Settings
  • Now, enter your First and Last name exactly how you want it to appear in call directories.
Truecaller - Change Name
  • You are now good to go. Save changes and enjoy your Truecaller experience.

Method 2: Edit Using Truecaller’s Website

The second method in use is to make changes through Truecaller’s Official website. Here’s how to do it:

  • Login to the website using your Google Account.
  • Now, search for your number.
  • A page with your information will appear that is stored in the Truecaller Database.
  • In the given options, click on Suggest Name.
  • Here you can make the changes you wish to and punch in the name you wish to see on the Truecaller displayer.
  • Enter the name and click on submit.

There are certain things here that have to be noted down:

  • This process will not verify you as the owner of the number and hence, there is a sense of uncertainty because any random person can make a suggestion.
  • Also, this suggestion is absolutely subjected to the staff buying your change request. If they think that the suggestion is fishy or not correct, they will not accept your requested change.

There are chances that the second method might not work because of the reason mentioned above; but we recommend you to use the first-mentioned method to make the relevant changes. All the changes that have to be made are reflected as per Truecaller’s working policy and hence might take a few days to reflect. So, with this, we come to an end to this article. We hope now; you will be able to save yourself the embarrassment and make the subsequent changes as applicable in your case.

How can I change my display name in Truecaller?

To change the display name in Truecaller, open Truecaller, now tap on the Menu button on the top left corner, after that tap on Edit Profile and Change the name.

How does Truecaller know my name?

Truecaller collects names through various phone directory providers and social networks.

What does Blue Tick mean on Truecaller?

It is a verified badge given by Truecaller when a user sets up their real name on Truecaller.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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