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Why Is Upwork Called Upwork? [Complete Information]

Why Is Upwork Called Upwork

It is one of the world’s largest marketplace of freelance talent. It connects freelancers and employers from all around the world for any particular kind of work. This makes people’s life easier than before. The Internet has so much to do with people and the biggest example is Upwork. A lot of people are using this app and it has become a part of their daily life too but have you ever thought, why is Upwork called Upwork?

Why Is Upwork Called Upwork?

It was formed in 2015 as a relaunch of oDesk and Elance’s merger. oDesk and Elance were merged in the fall of 2013. Both were very successful in their business.

The year was 2003, oDesk started as a platform where people could work online. Whereas Elance was launched in 1999 and had the purpose of letting people find work in the online world. Both were growing rapidly until 2013, they felt by working together they can work better.

Despite both oDesk and Elance were merged, they were working separately. And in 2015, their merging came up under one name – Upwork.

Why Is It Called Upwork?

Stephane Kasriel, the CEO of Upwork said that they rebrand the name as the work provided on their platform is quite different and they actually wanted a word that means ‘Work itself‘. They wanted to provide work to people without actually letting them struggle to get employed locally. The company’s spokesperson Christina Schultz said,

“This new platform combines the best of both Elance and oDesk, plus adds innovation. It is the platform innovation will happen on moving forward, and is based on the former oDesk platform.”

The company stated that Upwork is the name that inspires them and they hope, it will inspire the consumers of the platform as well. It didn’t go well in the beginning as they expected, people were complaining about bugs and slow connectivity of the platform. The giant took this seriously and improved themselves to provide the best functioning platform.

Soon they became one of the best freelance marketplaces. It now serves over 10 million freelancers in over 200 countries and is among the most productive & innovative online workplaces.

Highlights Of This Application

  • This application introduced a new group collaboration feature which is for communication & sharing documents. Anyone to use it no matter they are on Upwork or not, and also the integration of third-party tools like Google Drive & GitHub became possible on this new platform.
  • They also improved the efficiency of the platform and introduced a better matching algorithm, this new algorithm makes sure that a particular job reaches easily the maximum number of interested freelancers.
  • It came up with a new feature to provide freelancers with more options to showcase their availability more clearly to the client. The freelancer can tell out the clients with ‘later’ or ‘not looking’ tags for a short period.

Final Words

This application is always up for work. People here are passionate as they are always paid according to the work of the clients. It was developed to let people get employed by themselves online as quickly as possible and this application is the best example of work from home in 2020.

The market is full of competition. No doubt this application slays it with a lot of factors and advantages through which this platform has. It does justice to the name and answers the question – Why is Upwork called Upwork.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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