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How To Block Bots On Facebook? [Easy Guide]

Block Bots On Facebook

Are you extremely frustrated by the bots spamming your Facebook page and you’re in desperate need to find a way to block bots on Facebook? Well, you’re at the right place. In this article, we’ve mentioned the way by which you can block bots on Facebook and permanently get rid of this irritating problem.

Chatbots can be used for many purposes, however, some chatbots are injected with sponsored messages that contain links to certain services and products in your private messages. Sometimes they even provide daily updates. However, these chatbots can successfully be blocked or unsubscribed by you.

Steps To Block Bots On Facebook

There are various ways to stop bots from spamming. You can unsubscribe from the bot or block bots on Facebook. If you want to cut back on the regular messages that the bot sends but still want to stay in touch with that bot, you can consider unsubscribing it. In order to unsubscribe, you can just send a message saying STOP or UNSUBSCRIBE to the bot. You’ll get a notification saying that the updates will be stopped.

If you permanently want to stop the bots from sending you messages, you can consider blocking them. In order to block the bots on Facebook, go to the conversation screen. Go to the Recent tab to find your conversation. There you’ll find two options, Block all messages and Block sponsored messages.

Choose Any One Option

Block All Messages

The option of blocking all messages helps you in cutting all contacts with the bot. Neither the bot will be able to send you any message (including the sponsored messages) nor will you be able to send any message to the bot.

Block Sponsored Messages

Bots start their conversations with you in order to promote services or products that match your keywords. Toggle on the Block sponsored messages option can be used by you to block all sponsored messages while keeping the bot unblocked. This can be done in order to ask your queries without getting spammed. So, this is how you can block bots on Facebook.

Is a bot a real person?

No, the bot is not a real person.

Is Facebook bot free?

Yes, the Facebook bot is free.

Do dating sites use bots?

Yes, some of the dating sites use bots.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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