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Worst & Most Common Passwords Of 2021, Released By NordPass

Most Common Passwords Of 2021

Recently a list of the most common passwords of 2021 has been released by NordPass. This list mentions the top 200 most used passwords. This password manager company complies with the passwords every year as a list. This year’s scenario is not much different than the last year, but the point of this article is to warn people about their cybersecurity.

Since the chances of cyberattacks are increasing regularly, you should start focusing on your password. Most people use short or common words for their password as it is easy to remember. But this can be a reason your security on the internet might get violated.

Most Common Passwords Of 2021

According to the list, the most common password for 2021 is ‘123456’. This had been the most used for quite a few years now. And “Password” as a password is in the fifth position in this list, and almost 20 million people use this.

We are mentioning some of the most used ones that have been widely used by the people during this year. One thing that you need to know is, hackers would take less than a second to crack these mostly used passwords. At the same time, some might take a few hours or so.

myspace1 (rank 54), 1q2w3e4r (rank 103), qwerty123 (rank 104), michelle (rank 123); these might take some time to break but eventually can be cracked by the hackers.

People use these passwords because they are easy to remember. The list of the most common passwords of 2021 includes some random yet odd passwords. These are mentioned below according to their ranks in the list.

  • iloveyou (rank 22)
  • dragon (rank 38)
  • monkey (rank 41)
  • princess (rank 61)
  • computer (rank 67)
  • samsung (rank 78)
  • killer (rank 79)
  • master (rank 82)
  • pokemon (rank 111)
  • welcome (rank 120)
  • hello (rank 126)
  • naruto (rank 135)
  • letmein (rank 152)
  • secret (rank 154)
  • xxx (rank 200)

Top 20 Worst and Most Common Passwords Of 2021

RankPasswordTime to crackUsed by
1123456Less than 1 Second103,170,552
2123456789Less than 1 Second46,027,530
312345Less than 1 Second32,955,431
4qwertyLess than 1 Second22,317,280
5passwordLess than 1 Second20,958,297
612345678Less than 1 Second14,745,771
7111111Less than 1 Second13,354,149
8123123Less than 1 Second10,244,398
91234567890Less than 1 Second9,646,621
101234567Less than 1 Second9,396,813
11qwerty123Less than 1 Second8,933,334
12000000Less than 1 Second8,377,094
131q2w3eLess than 1 Second8,204,700
14aa123456782 Seconds8,098,805
15abc123Less than 1 Second7,184,645
16password1Less than 1 Second5,771,586
171234Less than 1 Second5,544,971
18qwertyuiopLess than 1 Second5,197,596
19123321Less than 1 Second5,168,171
20password123Less than 1 Second4,681,010

Now you know the most common passwords of 2021. So, be careful and set a different and safer password. Using a password manager can help you in this case. You can even turn on the two-factor authentication in your social media and other online accounts. You need to secure your all accounts, especially the bank accounts and other financial services.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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