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What Does The Red Heart Mean On Snapchat? [Explained]

Red Heart Mean On Snapchat

Nine separate emojis are used by Snapchat to keep a track of your interaction with your friends and close ones. These emojis have different meanings and the red heart mean on Snapchat is that for continuously two weeks in a row; you and your friend have been each other’s #1 best friend. In this article, we’ve covered extensively all the nine emojis and their significance that are used by Snapchat.

Usually, the number of photos and videos you send to your friends is not classified on other social media platforms. Unlike Snapchat, the other social media platforms do not place labels on your friendship by analyzing your emojis or giving out trophies.

On Snapchat, the messages and videos sent by you to your friends last only for a short time. Snapchat analyses the way you interact with others and also keeps the track of the number of snaps send and received.

What does the red heart mean on Snapchat?

Wondering what red heart mean on Snapchat? Wonder no more and know everything you need to regarding the red heart emoji on Snapchat. On Snapchat, you can see your relationship statuses with your best and close friends through the help of the friend emoji.

When you and your friend send each other the most number of snaps compared to your other respective friends on Snapchat for continuously 2 weeks; then this red heart emoji appears alongside the name of your that friend. The friend to whom you send the maximum number of snaps is called your #1 best friend in Snapchat’s lingo.

Similarly, if you’re the one receiving the maximum number of snaps then you’ll be called your friend’s #1 best friend. If you and your friend are both each other’s #1 best friend then a yellow heart appears alongside your and your friend’s name on both of your respective phones. If you stay each other’s #1 best friend for 2 continuous weeks then the yellow heart is replaced by a red one.

Other friend emojis on Snapchat

Currently, nine friend emojis are available on Snapchat.

Birthday: When it’s your friend’s birthday, this emoji appears next to his/her name. This emoji is a one-off emoji appearing only on the birthdays of your friends.

Snapchat streak: The fire emoji, also known as the Snapchat streak appears next to your friend’s
name when you and your friend have continuously been exchanging snaps (photos or videos) with each other for more than consecutive three days; within the timeframe of 24 hours.

A number is also seen along with the Snapchat streak emoji. The number of days you’ve been sending each other snaps or the number of days you and your friend have been on a streak is indicated by that number.

Hourglass: When a streak is about to get over, this hourglass emoji appears. When you have not shared snaps with your snapstreak friend within the timeframe of 24 hours; this hourglass emoji appears as a reminder indicating that your Streak is about to get over. In order to maintain your streak, you need to share snaps with each other within that timeframe of 24 hours.

Sunglasses: Also known as mutual best friend emoji; this emoji appears next to that person’s name, who is a mutual best friend with your #1 best friend.

Mutual besties: This emoji appears next to the name of that friend whose #1 best friend is also your #1 best friend.

Smile emoji: This emoji appears next to the name of that friend, whom you send a lot of snaps but not the most number of snaps. It means the person is your good friend but not your #1 best friend.

Yellow heart emoji (besties):– The yellow heart emoji, also known as the gold heart emoji appears next to that name of a friend when you both are each other’s #1 best friend as mentioned above.

Red heart emoji (BFF): Since we’ve already cleared your doubts on what red heart mean on
Snapchat, let us just summarise it in simple words for you. When you and your friend are each other’s #1 best friend for 2 consecutive weeks; the yellow heart emoji turns into the red heart emoji.

Pink hearts (Super BFF): When you have been each other’s #1 best friend for 2 continuous months; the red heart emoji turns into two pink hearts emojis.

Why did red heart turn yellow on Snapchat?

Since red heart mean on Snapchat that you and your friend are each other’s #1 best friend for 2
continuous weeks, when you and your friend are no longer maintaining that bond, your red heart turns into yellow.

That means you and your friend haven’t been sending each other the most number of snaps for 2 weeks which is required to maintain the red heart. The yellow heart means that you and you’re friend are still each other’s #1 best friend but with a compromised status.

How to get the red heart emoji on Snapchat?

Now that you know what does the red heart mean on Snapchat; here we are to tell you how to get the red heart emoji.

In order to get the red heart emoji on Snapchat; you need to send the most number of snaps to your friend continuously for 2 weeks, and in return; your friend should also send you the most number of snaps out of his/her other friends.

If your red heart emoji disappears, it is because you and your friend aren’t #1 best friends anymore. This might be because you’ve made a new #1 best friend.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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