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TikTok Plans To Relocate Its Headquarters To London

TikTok Plans To Relocate Its Headquarters

After the ban imposed on TikTok in India, the company has been trying to set its image straight and make its comeback. Now, as rumours have it, TikTok is also being banned in the US. TikTok has been in the news for all the wrong reasons and it continues to be. As per the latest reports, to banish its Chinese origin, the company is trying to adapt deceptive measures by relocating its headquarters, outside the Chinese borders.

Many sources have been reporting that TikTok, has been contemplating and are in discussion with the Governmental bodies in the United States to relocate its headquarters in London. In the next few years to come; TikTok might see a rise in its workforce in regions outside the Chinese borders. The company is trying its best to remove the Chinese imprint from its image and take whatever measures to accomplish the same.

It’s not the first instance

This is not the first instance that TikTok has been in the news from the point of relocation perspectives. Recently, TikTok has expanded its horizon to Mountain View, California. Hence, London and California may be the two potential areas for relocation, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

On the contrary, there are many rumours that actually contradict TikTok’s relocation to London. Many reports suggest that TikTok is still in discussion with the UK Government; but opposing views have claimed that the company has taken a back seat with this idea because of other geopolitical contexts.

Kevin Mayer, CEO of TikTok and Former Disney’s Chairman of the International Division; has allegedly claimed that come what may, the company will not hand over its data to the Chinese Government. Furthermore, the company has also made its claims that the App is absolutely safe; and rumours have to say that TikTok might come back in the country. However, these are just speculations as there are no solid proofs attached to these allegations. Only time will let us know what is in store for the Chinese Video Making App, TikTok, and whether this is a temporary farewell or a permanent closure of its existence.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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