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Apple 5G Modem Won’t Be Ready Until 2023, Says Ming-Chi Kuo

Apple 5G Modems

While giving all of us updates on the Apple 5G, the company’s analyst Ming-Chi Kuo said that Apple phones won’t be able to update their modems to 5G until 2023. Because of this, the stock market price for Qualcomm rose by 3%. Until Apple is ready with their modem, they will be receiving the supply from Qualcomm.

He also stated that Apple will be taking 100% supply from Qualcomm for 5G modems in the years 2022 and 2023. Also, from other reports, we have heard Qualcomm is going to sell their 5G modems at 20% off in the year 2023. Until Apple is ready with its 5G modem in 2023, Qualcomm will have and dominate most of the market.

Ming-Chi Kuo also said that by 2023, we will create our 5G modems and the Qualcomm company will succeed us in many aspects. Qualcomm already has its modem and by 2023 they will keep working on it to upgrade it. Also, Apple products that launch after 2023 will experience a negative impact because of this backlash.

Apple launched its iPhone 14 series in 2022. And their next update, iPhone 15 will be launched somewhere at the end of 2023. Knowing they will bring their 5G modem in 2023, we can predict their iPhone 16 will have their own produced and manufactured modem.

Should this make you worried? Many might think that iPhone 14 and 15 will have a weak 5G performance. But in reality, Qualcomm is a high-end company that is dedicated to mobile hardware. So, being an Apple user you should not worry about the performance. What you should worry about is purchasing the iPhone 16 because its Apple 5G modem might have minor glitches. With that being said, keep an eye out for any Apple 5G related news.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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