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How To Memorialize Facebook Account? [Easy Guide]

Memorialize Facebook Account

In this article, we will tell you how to memorialize Facebook account. A memorialized Facebook account provides friends and family with a place to reflect on the deceased when someone passes away while also informing people of the death.

It is also a place where family and friends gather together and share a person’s memories after death. In addition, memorialized Facebook accounts let unwanted users not access the account in the future and misuse it after the account owners die.

If you do not know how to change your Facebook account into a memorialized Facebook account, don’t worry. We are giving you the method following which you can easily memorialize the account to make it safe after the user stops using it.

Can anyone memorialize Facebook account?

Yes, any user can memorialize a user’s account, but only close relatives or heirs have the authority to request that a user’s account be completely deleted. For this also, they must ask for the special permission of the heir or any close family member. Beyond that, there is no regulation for you to be a close family member to apply the request to memorialize a Facebook account.

How to memorialize Facebook account?

If someone from your friend or family has died recently and you want to memorialize their account, you can do it in straightforward steps. Facebook has the option to memorialize the account after the user dies.

All you need to do is to gather all the required documentation. These documentations are:

  • Full name on the person’s Facebook profile,
  • Direct link to person’s profile,
  • The email id that had been used whilst making the account,
  • Your full name,
  • Your contact email address.

Now, upload the death certificate of the person’s obituary, memorial card, or other documentation that gives proof of the person’s death. Fill the date of their death. And once Facebook accepts your application, you can memorialize the Facebook account.

What happens when a Facebook account is memorialized?

A memorialized Facebook account has many features associated with it, which include:

  • The word Remembering shows below the user name on the Facebook account.
  • Friends and family can upload pictures related to the memories of the dead person onto the memorialized timeline. Though this feature depends on the privacy setting of the account.

By Vishal

Meet Vishal Negal, a digital marketer and tech enthusiast with over 8 years of experience. Specializing in creating comprehensive how-to guides, in-depth reviews, and engaging tech-related content.

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