How To Remove Link From Instagram Bio? [Guide]

Remove Link From Instagram Bio

In this article, we will provide you an easy guide on how to remove link from Instagram Bio. The bio feature on Instagram allows users to provide a brief description of themselves or their brand to their followers. It appears at the top of their profile and can include their name, username, website or blog link, location, interests, and a brief introduction.

The bio feature is important because it allows users to introduce themselves or their brand to potential followers and communicate their values or mission. It can also serve as a way to promote a business or product by including relevant links.

Additionally, the bio feature can help users connect with others who share similar interests or values by providing a glimpse into their personality or brand identity. To advertise your website, blog, or other social media accounts, one of the advantages of Instagram is the option to add links to your bio. However, you can remove link from Instagram Bio if you no longer want it there.

Steps To Remove Link From Instagram Bio

To remove a link from your Instagram bio, follow these steps:

  • Open the Instagram app on your smartphone and go to your profile page. Click the Edit Profile option under your profile photo.
Tap On Edit Profile
  • Look for the Links field, where your bio’s URL is displayed.
Tap On Links
  • At last, click the Remove Link option.
Tap On Remove Link

And done. Your Instagram bio’s link has been removed successfully.

Instagram only permits users to add one link to their bio at a time. Use a link provider like Linktree or Campsite to construct a landing page with links to your social media networks and websites to promote several of them.

However, if you want to restore the process of adding links to your Instagram, follow the steps below to add link to Instagram bio.

  • Go to your profile page in the Instagram app by opening it on your phone. Click or tap the Edit Profile icon beneath your profile photo.
Tap On Edit Profile
  • Find the Links field, where your bio’s link will appear.
Tap On Links
  • Enter the web address of the blog, website, or social network account you want to link to. To save your changes, tap the Done button after entering the URL.
Tap On Done


Removing links from Instagram bio is a quick and easy procedure that only needs to be carried out in a few basic steps. You must follow the abovementioned steps to delete a link from your bio. Enter the URL in your profile preferences’ Website area to add a new link.

If you wish to advertise many websites or social media profiles, remember that Instagram only permits one link in your bio at a time. You may add or remove links from your Instagram Bio using the above steps. Consider having a landing page with all your links.